ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurobiological developmental disorder. In other words, it is congenital, caused by differences in brain structure and function. ADHD begins in childhood and continues into adolescence and adulthood. People with ADHD suffer from a consistent pattern of attention deficit, with or without hyperactivity and/or impulsiveness.
The impact of such an attention deficit can be extensive, affecting all aspects of life, including many meaningful areas such as work, intimate relationships, parenthood and social ties.
What do you mean? Don’t you get over it at some point?
Despite what many people think, ADHD doesn’t go away. It’s a chronic lifelong condition. As a child with ADHD becomes an adult, facing ever-greater complexities and expectations, the disorder just changes its form and manifestations. Without treatment, difficulties may even escalate. Moreover, the manifestations of ADHD differ from one person to another, making it all the more confusing.
Differences in manifestation between children and adults
Possible implications of the ADHD disorder can include impulsive, careless driving, substance abuse, difficulty in keeping a job or staying in a relationship, difficulty in managing anger and/or anxiety and more.
“Sometimes I find it hard to concentrate. Does this mean I have ADHD?”
Not necessarily. Many of us can be distracted sometimes to some extent, but not everybody has ADHD. Today the prevalence of ADHD among adults is estimated at about 4.4%.
In addition, people with ADHD experience typical hardships in other executive functions, such as: working memory, planning, initiating, emotional regulation, inhibitory control etc. Consequently, damage to functioning and quality of life is more complex.
“Can ADHD be diagnosed at 40? How can I get a diagnosis?”
ADHD can even be diagnosed at 80 – providing it began in childhood, and its characteristic symptoms are still present at the age of diagnosis.
Diagnosis is made by a neurologist or psychiatrist specializing in attention deficits. The doctor may ask the person to take a computerized test such as MOXO, TOVA or BRC, or to fill out special diagnostic questionnaires.
“Let’s say I have ADHD. What can I do about it?”
Everyone knows about medications for ADHD, such as Ritalin, Concerta and similar drugs. Another approach, specifically targeting adults, is a cognitive-functional therapy called Cog-Fun A, developed at the Hebrew University’s School of Occupational Therapy – based on extensive theoretical and applied models, as well as investigation in the field. Through this treatment, the individual learns how to manage himself and the challenges he faces, while acquiring knowledge about attention deficits and developing self-awareness (how I function and what can help me in given situations). This serves as a basis for a personalized process in which the individual acquires tools – resources and strategies for reaching meaningful functional goals and improving his quality of life.
Cog-Fun A treatments for adults with ADHD are currently offered at the Occupational Therapy Clinic of Reuth Rehabilitation Hospital.
The information presented in this article is general. It does not constitute medical advice or replace consultation with a physician. It should not be regarded as a recommendation or an alternative for medical treatment.
The information presented in the English website is partial. For full info please visit our Hebrew website
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